Environmental EducationKnowing, Understanding and Experiencing Mother Earth

Environmental awareness is no longer a subject of discussion but a matter of action. We have created an Environment Lab that helps children understand the importance of maintaining a sustainable ecosystem. By helping them understand the basics of environment conservation and preservation of habitats, we are creating a future generation that is compassionate not just towards each other but also towards mother earth.

In our Environmental Education, the students learn about:

  • Rainwater harvestingThe importance of water conservation and managing its supply through natural resources
  • Organic farmingThe benefits of organic farming for the land and how it can help yield better, year after year
  • Erosion controlThe importance of trees and how erosion can be controlled and prevented through plantation drives which also increase land fertility
  • Green energyThe unique ways to generate power through natural resources using solar and hydroelectric power
  • CompostingThe conversion of waste into nutrient-rich soil so that they can feel appreciation for the Earth and the life cycle
  • Recycling and ReusingThe importance of managing waste properly and how by simply reusing or recycling, they can protect the environment